Olathe Invitational 2011
Posted 22 Aug, 2011 12:47 PM by Chad
The tournament this year will be held on November 5th . Registration is slated to begin at 7:30 am, with actual quizzing beginning at 8:30 am. The tournament is open to local teams -- which means no all-star teams. All reservations must be received by October 30th . The cost for this tournament is $40 for the first team and $20 for the second team, which are non-refundable. Housing will be on a first come basis. We will be quizzing over Hebrews 1-9 and will be Nazarene style questions and rules. The morning quizzing will feature 2-3 divisions -- An upper division, a lower less experienced division and possibly a beginner division if we have enough interested teams. We will have multiple double elimination tournaments in the afternoon. There will be a $250 MidAmerica Nazarene University scholarship being awarded to the top individual quizzer along with a $1,000 scholarship for the top team to be split among its members. We expect a good turnout again this year, so sign up early.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CALL ME [CHAD LYNN] AT 913-220-8636 OR E-MAIL ME AT olathetourney@comcast.net
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